" My lOv3Ly f@miLy "

" My lOv3Ly f@miLy "
Bro's graduation day - Curtin walkways

你我的 " 约定 "

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Every year, christmas used to be a celebration when a whole family members, or perhaps big family members would gather, communicate, or have fun together...

And every year when it comes to christmas, it seems to be a "warmth occasion" for everyone...so do i, my family, my big family as well...

In children's heart, santa is always someone who grants them their wishes..thus they usually tell santa their wishes and it comes true when they show their sinceres..

However...christmas reflects a different meaning this year...

To me...or probably my big family...this christmas seems to be the darkest christmas ever...

My beloved cousins and uncle wished to have their mum and wife to recover as soon as possible and santa seems to be away from them...or somehow missed their wishes

Today...they lost their mum, he lost his wife, our parents lost a sister...and we lost our aunt...

Thus...It is no longer a warmth christmas for everyone...

What is life?

No one responds to this question...

Sometimes, it could be so unbelieveable fragile when it comes to the reality...



Anonymous said...

i miss her =(

~Vin~ said...

honestly...me too...but sometimes...its really just fate...sigh...