" My lOv3Ly f@miLy "

" My lOv3Ly f@miLy "
Bro's graduation day - Curtin walkways

你我的 " 约定 "

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Chinese Combination Trip

Here comes the news from Perth..As stated in previous post, i was having one week holidays last week..For some reason, we planned for a day trip to Fremantle...Fremantle is well-known for its market, museum, beaches & some more other places for visitors...There are five of us taking part in the trip..Sean(our driver of the day),a Malaysian from the state of Kedah,also a close friend of mine at Perth..Daisy, originated from China(Fuchou Divisions)..Mandy, also from China(Fuchou Divisions)..Yen, a Malaysian from the state of Sabah..1st Destination, straight away, we went to the Fremantle Town Hall where we got some informations about that area...After that, we enjoyed our lunch at Fremantle Riverside where you can get the famous,fresh fish & chips and chilli muscles..Haha, tasty & delicious!!

Photo taken with Sean at Fremantle Riverside
Statue of Fishmonger

Next destination would certainly be the beach of fremantle...Standing on the beach side & sense yourself being blown by the strong winds & the feeling of relaxation!How Great is that!..Hehe...You could even see birds having hard times flying around because of the strong winds...

Talking & sharing at beachside

From the left>Yen, Sean, Daisy & Mandy

If you look at the photo carefully,
there are two little guy playing along the beachside...
That would be me & Sean!!
The girls don't wanna get their feet on the sand..