By the way, i just a part-time job at one of the hotel in Perth city, Mercure Hotel Perth...Haha...gonna work hard to earn more money now...
Indeed, i got a casual work on WA Election Day...the Election Day was held yesterday...Its terribly tired...i worked from 7 o'clock in the morning until 10 o'clock at night after we have done all the votes counting, recorded all the results & seal all those official document...But its worth...guess what...i got a high pay for that...haha...
So today, i have to prepare for presentation on coming thurs...this whole day i have been surfing the internet, making some research on mexican cuisine & culture...but it is quite interesting...there are lots of different tasty mexican dishes...mexican food is well-known for its intense, varied flavour, colourful decoration & variety of spices..besides that, mexican are also known as "wines lover"...Varieties of wine are widely produced & won lots of international award for the wines are fresh in flavours...below are some photos of my research's product...

Alright...that's all about me recently...i will post my newly learnt dishes on next posting..Haha
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